
Flypaper Follies

The most obvious lies

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

I feel like crying I'm so ashamed
We liberals are wrong -- WRONG! -- to take glee in Limbaugh's misfortune. He's a kind, decent man who's done all kinds of good stuff what liberals will never equal or understand.

That's the message from sincere and concerned right-wing land, where the wily ones are trying to ju-jitsu liberals to the matt over our glee at Limbaugh's hypocrisy.

Mickey Kaus offers some nice links, and gets the hilarity rolling with:

I've never shared the liberal animus toward Rush Limbaugh. The few times I've listened to his show it has been conducted on what seems like a pretty high level.

Oh, but he's just the warm-up act. He links to John Pod-something over at the ever-balanced New York Post. Pod-something's humor is titled "Sick Glee" and it's rife with "Limbaugh is kind and fair and decent and good and liberals are evil" talk. It's full o' mistatements and outright fibs, but this one strikes me as the comedic gem of them all:

Limbaugh engages his callers with unfailing courtesy, and he always affords those callers with whom he disagrees the respect of an honest debate.

This Pod-something guy slays me! He couldn't be any funnier if he tried, certainly. Does he sincerely not know that Limbaugh screens his calls? Stops everyone intelligent who disagrees?

posted by Ken Chambers  # 9:15 AM
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